Saturday, April 14, 2012

Anne of Green Gables April: A Tour of Prince Edward Island

I love love love to read the way Anne describes beautiful Avonlea So I thought it would be fun to tour Prince Edward Island a bit with her...


“Anne came dancing home in the purple winter twilight across the snowy places.” 


“Look at that sea, girls--all silver and shadow and vision of things not seen. We couldn't enjoy its loveliness any more if we had millions of dollars and ropes of diamonds.”  


“It was November--the month of crimson sunsets, parting birds, deep, sad hymns of the sea, passionate wind-songs in the pines. Anne roamed through the pineland alleys in the park and, as she said, let that great sweeping wind blow the fogs out of her soul.” 

“In imagination she sailed over storied seas that wash the distant shining shores of "faëry lands forlorn," where lost Atlantis and Elysium lie, with the evening star for pilot, to the land of Heart's Desire. And she was richer in those dreams than in realities; for things seen pass away, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”  -Anne of The Island


“I wonder what a soul…a person's soul…would look like,' said Priscilla dreamily.
'Like that, I should think,' answered Anne, pointing to a radiance of sifted sunlight streaming through a birch tree. 'Only with shape and features of course. I like to fancy souls as being made of light. And some are all shot through with rosy stains and quivers…and some have a soft glitter like moonlight on the sea…and some are pale and transparent like mist at dawn.” -Anne of Avonlea


“The woods call to us with a hundred voices, but the sea has one only — a mighty voice that drowns our souls in its majestic music. The woods are human, but the sea is of the company of the archangels.”  -Anne's House of Dreams


“Do you know what I think Mayflowers are, Marilla? I think they must be the souls of the flowers that died last summer, and this is their heaven.” 

 “One June evening, when the orchards were pink-blossomed again, when the frogs were singing silverly sweet in the marshes about the head of the Lake of Shining Waters, and the air was full of the savor of clover fields and balsamic fir woods, Anne was sitting by her gable window. She had been studying her lessons, but it had grown too dark to see the book, so she had fallen into wide-eyed reverie, looking out past the boughs of the Snow Queen, once more bestarred with its tufts of blossom.” 


Happy Saturday!


  1. PEI has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth! Every photo is just breathtaking. I'm not sure if you follow the blog Aiken House & Gardens? It's from a lady that lives on PEI. She has some amazing photography of the island, as well as a beautiful home and garden that she blogs about. Have a nice weekend! ~ Jamie

  2. What a thrill it was, almost forty years ago, as the ferry came within sight of those red cliffs! I walked along beside the babbling brook, through the haunted forest and into the house with the green gables. Every word of those books ran through my mind and it was like coming home to me. ~ Maureen

  3. My goodness, what stunning images of a story that believe it or not, I have NEVER READ! Perhaps this summer, as my teaching job comes to a close, I can catch up. But living in New England gave me a sense of the ghosts from the past, the great writers and landmarks that inspired such stories....thank you so much for your visit and keep moving FORWARD!!!!! Anita

  4. That's done it...I HAVE to go there! Thanks for the gorgeous pictures..and thanks to Jaime for the blog suggestion.

  5. mmm... I just love descriptions like that! I so very much would love to go back to that time and place and be Anne for a day. At very least, maybe I'll make a trip there in this day and age (not quite as fun) just to see it! I was born in Canada, but was born on the other side. :) It's quite a beautiful country none-the-less!

  6. I love the pictures! So beautiful, breathtaking! I imagined so many times as a child to be Anne of Green Gables, so much so that my handle is patterned after that book. I think because of her I wanted to be a writer. Thanks for bringing me back to a happy childhood memory. :)

  7. By the way ladies, I just wanted to share with you my blogpost for today. It's a very Jane Austen related craft that I think you'll like :)


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