"To walk three miles . . . above her ankles in dirt, and alone, quite alone! . . .
It seems to me to shew an abominable sort of conceited independence . . .
I am afraid, Mr. Darcy," observed Miss Bingley, in a half whisper,
"that this adventure has rather affected your admiration of her fine eyes."
"Not at all," he replied. "They were brightened by the exercise."
---Pride and Prejudice, Chapter 8
Today, Miriam and I took a cue from Elizabeth Bennet and devoted a bit of our Sunday afternoons to taking walks, rather than giving in to our first choices which would have included sleeves of Oreos and sugar-induced naps. Since I live in the snowy Rocky Mountains, and Miriam lives where the sun always shines, we thought we'd share a bit of our very different adventures with you for today's entry.
Erika's Walk
Unfortunately, my walk was nothing like the ones I imagine Elizabeth taking through the English countryside. I took my walk in a chunky brown sweater and a parka, but I still couldn't feel my nose or fingers at the end of it thanks to the snow flurries and 30 degree temperatures. I enlisted my own Mr. Darcy to come with me on my Lizzy-inspired jaunt since none of the kids wanted to experience the Arctic conditions. After three minutes into our walk, with the wind chipping away at extremities like an ice pick, my hubby turned to me and said, "That Elizabeth Bennet was 'nutters.'" I can't decide what made me love him more at that moment---the fact that he could reference Lizzy's name, or that he threw in some British jargon for good measure. Even though it wasn't the most idyllic or lengthy of walks, I found abundant beauty in my surroundings . . .
I love the contrast of the white snow against the wrought iron of these little playhouse lanterns.
Somehow even ceramic mushrooms convince me that Spring is on its way.
I must have been on the "Bird Cleanliness Committee" in heaven because I have never met a birdbath that I didn't love.
Add "beautiful black lanterns" to my list of obsessions . . .

Such a charming and rustic way to use an old tree stump . . .
When I pass my neighbor Jane's front door, I can't help but catch my breath. The hand-carved aspens tempt me into covetousness every time I look at them.
Every winter garden deserves a little whimsy and a little fairy . . .
I adore this minimal wintry wreath with its touch of turquoise and cream ribbons . . .
It wouldn't be Sunday without a church steeple.
Who said gray front porches couldn't be fun? I guess they never saw this one. I'm now thinking of painting everything I own orange.
Miriam's Walk
Well, Hubby's "Tummy" acted up when it was time to go on a walk. It tends to act up a lot when kids and walking mix. I'm just saying...
I love it when the Bougainvillea is in full bloom. It looks like the bushes are on fire!
We enjoyed the lush grass...
And wished on Dandelions
But then we saw something REALLY exciting.
Which we very quickly scared away.
Doesn't this look so idyllic? I love that about pictures. Mostly, I love that you cannot hear a mom screaming "Do NOT go near that water!" and "Come back. I am counting to three. One. Two. COME HERE NOW!" and a poor little lady whimpering "Boon. Boon. Boon," because her balloon hitched a ride on the wind into the water.
Next time, I may channel Caroline Bingley and take a turn about the room instead. I have it on good authority that it is "So refreshing."
Happy Sabbath.
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Funky Junk Interiors
My walk right now would be rather frigid with a touch of brown and snow. I would much prefer the green grass and bright blooms! :)