Thursday, May 31, 2012

Anne of Green Gables: A Garden Tour

“I read somewhere once that souls were like flowers,' said Priscilla.
'Then your soul is a golden narcissus,' said Anne, 'and Diana's is like a red, red rose. 
 Jane's is an apple blossom, pink and wholesome and sweet.''
And our own is a white violet, with purple streaks in its heart,' finished Priscilla.” 
~ Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Avonlea 

Confession:  I'm a deceitful and conniving mother.  In honor of Anne of Green Gables month on Be Book Bound, I sat my boys on the family room couch the other day and announced that I had a special treat for them.  I'm sure dreams of Wii games and junk food came crashing down as they watched me put a worn and weathered cassette into the VCR.  Anne of Green Gables.  Three measures into the theme song and my boys commenced moaning.  The only thing that could have made them more miserable is if I had force-fed them zucchini with cough syrup chasers while they watched the film.  I lovingly explained how much these books meant to me as a girl, and how I was sure they would love the movie as much as I did.  From the groans on the couch you would have thought that all of my children had contracted appendicitis at once.  I finally resorted to blackmail:  I would only serve dessert to the boys who watched the movie.  Hmphf.  So there.

Two hours later, my husband had to peel the children away from the TV to send them to bed---in spite of their protests that they had to see "what happened to Anne."  I would have put them to bed myself, but I was too busy crying.  I gave them all hugs and kisses goodnight, and then I added a triumphant:  "I told you so."  

This whole month has made me wish that I could write Lucy Maud a letter.  If I could, this is how it would read:

Dearest Ms. Montgomery, 

Thank you.  
Thank you for creating a timeless story that mothers and sons can share together.  
Thank you for Anne Shirley and her sense of passionate wonder.  
Thank you for giving us all a million more reasons to be book bound.

Yours Truly,
Erika (with an E)

As a parting homage to our dearest Anne, Miriam and I thought it only appropriate that we invite you on a stroll through the garden so that you can soak in beauty of God's green earth and let the sights of spring sing sweetly in your hearts.  We know that's what Anne would do.

So welcome to the garden . . .

Come on in through the monogrammed gate . . .

 Take a rest in the gazebo . . .

 Or stroll down the stone paths . . .

And find a quiet place to read...

Say hello to the birds and bullfrogs that call the garden home . . .

Enjoy the flowers of the front gardens . . .

And the blooms in the window boxes . . .

 Ring the rooster if you've enjoyed your stay . . .

We hope you've had a wonderful month.  
We look forward to sharing "A Little House on the Prairie June" with you . . .

Now Linking To . . .

Jennifer Rizzo  ~ At the Picket Fence  ~  French Country Cottage  ~  Common Ground  ~  Stuff and Nonsense  ~  My Romantic Home  ~  Happy Go Lucky  ~ No Minimalist Here  ~  Southern Hospitality  ~  The Charm of Home-


  1. as far as this mum is concerned
    there is no better series of books
    in the whole wide world
    than the Anne books
    (and i adore
    the many other books by the same author)

    LM Montgomery
    was a wonderful author
    who continues to capture my heart
    with her words

    and i have to say
    that although my own boys
    scoffed at watching the PBS film
    they actually liked it too!

    thanks for sharing your love of Anne
    and the lovely photos of your garden
    at Fridays Unfolded

    your posts
    never fail to delight me!


  2. I love your garden, so pretty! Have a great week end.

  3. My son is 33 and knows all the words to the "Sound of Music" soundtrack. He wouldn't dare let his Army buddies know but every now and then, he'll be in a silly mood and belt out at the top of his lungs, "The hills are alive....." , that's when I so wish he was young again. Well done mom (Erika with an E), YOU ROCK!!

  4. Beautiful is just lovely:). I bet you have many enjoyable moments there!


  5. Ringing the Rooster!! Always a pleasant visit!

  6. I'm so glad to have found your blog! I can tell you ladies are kindred spirits. :)

    I have loved your Anne month! As the mother of boys who used to moan and groan about watching the movies, I'm delighted to say that both of my older boys not only love the movies, but have read all the books, too! Glad to hear your boys are "converts"! (My third boy has started the first book, and the youngest is just learning to read.)

    BTW, what is that lovely colored beverage in the tea cup in the picture above?

    Looking forward to "Little House" month!

  7. Your story about watching Anne of Green Gables with your boys is so cute! Your garden (and home) are so beautiful! I would love to sit out there and read a book. So relaxing. I am super excited about The Little House on the prairie series! Love, love, love those books! I would love to take a vacation and follow the trail of their homes. Wouldn't that be amazing?! ~ Jamie P.S. I love the rooster bell!

  8. Beautiful images of the garden. Love the low stone wall too, and the gate is perfect for the garden.

  9. Oh my gosh, what lovely gardens. Everything looks so inviting. And I am crazy about your stone pathways. I can picture myself in several different spots enjoying the summer day. Thanks for a great May with Anne.

  10. Oh, how wonderful! My husband even likes it! :)

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