Sunday, June 3, 2012

Little House on the Prairie: Mason Jar Lanterns

"But in the east the sky was pale and through the gray woods came lanterns with wagons and horses, bringing Grandpa and Grandma and aunts and uncles and cousins."
-Laura Ingalls Wilder

So, I promised my dear Erika that I would handle last night's post, and promptly fell asleep. So I now have to apologize both to her (for being a lame sister,) and to you (for the lame picture I took of this craft.)

Nighttime is apparently not a good time for light. Go figure. Anyways, I wanted to make some cute lanterns, but I have a problem: where I live, if you light a match over a bathtub, somehow a forest catches fire.  So this is my solution.

I filled Pint size jars with about 1/2 cup sugar and a flameless candle (I found mine at Costco- 9.99 for 24 of them) and because they don't need oxygen, I got to use my CUTE little antique vintage lids on the jars. :)

Then I used about 3 feet or so of jute string and tied it like so:

And I hung up our lanterns! So easy, and the girls thought it made the evening very special. Best part? Nothing to blow out, no wax to clean up, and I can use the jars for Ma's homemade preserves when the time comes.  Have a lovely Sunday!

Linking up: 


  1. I love your jar lantern! Thanks so much for showing how to do the jute string and where to buy the flameless candles. I can't wait to make some of my own. ~ Jamie

  2. Oh yes! can't have fires here at all June thru harvest! cute idea!

  3. I love these, they would be so pretty around a backyard on a summer night. Thanks for sharing and I am a new follower!
    Hope you are having a great start to your week!!

  4. Your lanterns are so pretty - I need so much to make these for Summer parties on the patio!

  5. Oh I love it! And they are perfect for my deck!

  6. I love this. And no worries about hot wax when the evening is done. I would love it if you would share this on my linky party Tout It Tuesday.

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    عميلنا العزيز اذا كنت تريد التخلص من كافة الحشرات السيئه الزاحفة او الطائره نهائيا فعليك بالاتصال بنا والتعاقد مع شركتنا شركة مكافحة حشرات بريده فنحن نعطيك الثقه والجوده العاليه للمبيدات الحشريه والألات الحديثه وطاقم عمل باعلى المهارات وكل هذا بأقل الأسعار


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